To All Our Followers and Supporters
As many of you know, the past three years of our service have been a significant learning experience. During this time, we've had a diverse scope of disclosure and a team of supportive volunteers, despite a few challenges.
Upon reflection and review of our work, we have decided to transition to new ventures. Our watch team committee has agreed that we will no longer provide individual support, and we have honored all outstanding commitments. Consequently, we will no longer be associated with the name "Police Scotland Angels," due to the institutional corruption and bad faith operations within Police Scotland, as acknowledged by former Chief Constable Iain Livingstone.
Effective early spring 2025, we are proud to introduce our new organization: ARM Scotland (Authentic, Righteous, Movement).
Aims and Objectives of ARM Scotland
Mission Statement
At ARM Scotland, our mission is to improve Scotland’s accountability, transparency, and integrity by exposing and addressing corruption within authoritarian systems. We are committed to creating a society where ethical standards are upheld, and public trust in institutions is restored.
Key Objectives
Expose Corruption: Conduct thorough investigations and reports on instances of wrongdoing and corruption within key establishments, including the judiciary, police, government, NHS, and social work sectors.
Tackle Corruption: Collaborate with other like-minded organizations to take meaningful action against corruption, ensuring those responsible are held accountable.
Raise Awareness: Work to raise public awareness about issues of corruption and the importance of accountability, transparency, and integrity in public institutions.
Support Reforms: Advocate for and support legislative and policy reforms that promote higher standards of governance and ethical behavior in Scotland.
Partnerships: Forge strategic partnerships with other like-minded organizations that share our vision to drive the agenda forward and amplify our impact.
Monitor & Attend: Actively monitor and attend courts, official meetings, presentations, and events to ensure transparency and provide public reports on proceedings.
Through these efforts, ARM Scotland aims to foster a culture of integrity, ensure justice, and promote a more transparent and accountable society. The shrine at Kirkcaldy will continue to be maintained and honored, and we will adjust our Facebook page accordingly.
Thank you for your continued support as we embark on this new journey.
Police Scotland Angels is supporting our fellow comrades in England about this shameful kidnapping and torture of Donald, an elderly gentleman unlawfully detained in Greenock prison without any due process of law. Here is an excerpt of the 45-minute interview with LSB Kris Brooks, highlighting the disgusting torture this man is going through here in Scotland.
Since January 18, 2023, Donald, taken from his home in South Yorkshire, has been through a harrowing ordeal. Initially held at HMP Perth until February 2024 and subsequently transferred to HMP Greenock, his well-being and safety have become major concerns. Donald's current situation in HMP Greenock paints a distressing picture—subjected to 23-and-a-half-hour lockdowns, lack of stimulation, natural light, fresh air, and proper nutrition. The environment is rife with bullying from both prison officers and inmates, with threats of violence and harassment prevalent. HMP Greenock, a Victorian-era facility, suffers from structural issues like leaks and sewage problems, further deteriorating the living conditions. The prison's community-based setup, primarily housing young inmates, exacerbates Donald's isolation, compounded by targeted bullying and mistreatment. Complaints are met with threats of mental health isolation, silencing any external concerns for his well-being. Donald has endured physical assaults, including incidents involving multiple officers, despite displaying no aggression. Instances of theft, invasive searches, and abuse have been reported, violating prison protocols. The private trust and trustees have been diligently pursuing legal action against the responsible parties, including courts, banks, and public entities involved in fraudulent activities. The judicial system's corruption is highlighted through the misuse of legal processes to strip assets and unjustly detain individuals like Donald. False documentation, trumped-up charges, and kangaroo courts are employed to serve ulterior motives, such as benefiting ex-spouses and financial institutions. Donald's ordeal underscores the systemic flaws and injustices within the UK's legal framework, where standing for truth and justice can lead to persecution and suffering. Donald's experience serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by those who resist systemic injustices and corruption. The reality of his unlawful detention and mistreatment sheds light on the darker aspects of the justice system, where principles of fairness and integrity are overshadowed by greed and abuse of power.
The entire interview can be seen below.
Statement Regarding Expelled Volunteer Samantha Jane Kerr
Samantha Jane Kerr, also known as an alleged ordained minister of our organization, was expelled with immediate effect in May 2023. This action was taken when it was discovered that she had groomed a vulnerable 71-year-old man we were assisting, extracting £1,080 from him to pay for car repairs and borrowing cash under the false pretence that she would repay him. This incident was brought to our attention three months after it occurred, hence, her volunteer role was terminated immediately.
A small claims action was raised against this individual by the vulnerable party, and the case was ruled in his favour, with evidence and exhibits submitted to the court showing Ms. Kerr promised to repay him in six separate emails by her own admission. The facts are that she only began repaying the extorted money when a court action was raised against her.
It has sadly come to our attention that Ms. Kerr, along with another expelled volunteer, has produced a 2-minute video as seen above, claiming she won the case, which is factually incorrect. The official court papers show that the case was dismissed; no one won, and justice was not served to the claimant. The statements in this video are libelous and attempt to besmirch the good work of our organization and The Peacekeepers, which neither group had anything to do with this case. We offer an unreserved apology for the unwarranted attack on both organizations.
Please be assured that since the termination of these two volunteers, Ms. Kerr and Moira Brown, our selection process and monitoring protocols have become significantly more rigorous. We will not entertain unscrupulous individuals. As before with her co-accused, Moira Brown, who has not rebutted the course of her conduct ten months down the line (see below), we invite Ms. Kerr to take any legal action she deems fit.
We invite members of the public to review the evidence submitted to the court in this case. In the interests of the public, Let the public decide if Sam Kerr, the alleged ordained minister, "won" the case and if the justice system of Scotland served justice to the claimant, or if there was a deeper obligation in place.
Updated Statement Regarding Expelled Volunteer Samantha Jane Kerr
Within 16 hours of us informing the public about the actions of Samantha Jane Kerr, an alleged ordained minister, she removed her video from public view (as seen above when you click on the video link). For the record, we are attaching a picture of this individual and a link to her alleged role as an ordained minister. It is important to furnish the public with this updated information to question her credibility and prevent further vulnerable people being targeted by her in order to fund her lifestyle. link SAMANTHA JANE KERR - LIVINGSTON - MINISTER (
Please get in touch with your comments or to make an appointment to view the original documents.
Samantha pictured on the right accompanied by Moira Brown at Livingston Sheriff Court.
Unfortunately this video has been removed from youtube.

Safety Warning Alert!
Moira Brown, aka Moira Dundee, aka Moira Malcolm as seen below being arrested by Police Scotland

Book Reference:
Do not purchase or support the above book "Questioning Lockdown", as it contains misleading information and falsified
An ex-disgruntled volunteer of Police Scotland Angels has ignited her ongoing 8-month malicious campaign against Police Scotland Angels. Due to ongoing legal investigations involving this individual, we are restricted on what we can disclose. But be assured we will keep you posted on any outcomes or developments involving legal matters.
This individual was removed from her 2-year volunteer role of IT and website control within Police Scotland Angels in September 2023 due to her unhinged malicious behaviour uploading grossly misleading and offensive information, as she worked on her book Questioning Lockdown which she self-funded. She was arrested in January 2021 when she lied to Police Scotland Angels to gain her role in our organisation and stated she was operating a volunteer lending library when, in fact, it has now been established, she was selling copies of her book for her personal gain and no volunteer library was in operation.
This same book spread misinformation and caused great distress to many, based on her personal ideology. Furthermore, she went on to start up a memorial for the vaccine injured (deaths) in Scotland and did so by exploiting people’s grief without any consent or respect from their loved ones’ families and toured this display around Scotland. Various families contacted her and told her to remove their loved ones from public view. Police Scotland Angels will not be associated with people who mislead and exploit the grief and distress of others.
Since the termination of the volunteer role of Moira Brown within our organization in September 2023, she has resurrected her unhinged behaviour and gone to great lengths and consumption of her time in attempts to discredit us. To her detriment, on 1st October 2023, when she appeared personally at one of our events after being informed to stay away, with her alarming behaviour, several members had to call the police who then formally intervened with her for her actions.
Unfortunately, we are restricted, due to legal matters pending with this individual, to comment further on the ongoing legal process, but we will inform you of any outcomes. Should this individual broach you and put you in a state of fear, alarm or distress please get in touch with the Police and reference the incident report by Police Scotland Angels on 1st October 2023 ( We have the incident number, so please contact us should you be subjected to any of her, alarming harassment. The Police assured us that they could cross-reference any further complaints alongside this one which is still live).
Her disturbing behaviour witnessed by over 30 attendees of Police Scotland Angels on 1st October involved police intervention. Many people in various movements have severed ties with Moira Brown, and Police Scotland Angels will continue to have no involvement or association with this individual.
We thank our supporters and parties who have distributed this flyer in person or by way of social media, to inform and highlight the predatory unhinged behaviour of this individual, and safeguard you from her behaviour. Should Moira Brown/Dundee/Malcolm wish to rebut, any of this factual statement, we invite her to raise legal proceedings against us.
With best wishes
From all at Police Scotland Angels
February 2024

Police (Scotland) Angels
P = Punishment
O = Ostricised
L = Lies
I = Injustice
C = Criminalise
E = Entrapment
A = Angels
N = Nurture
G = Grounding
E = Embracing
L = Loyal
S = Souls
The picture above is when Sandra exposed Fife Council for breaching vulnerable children and families' data you can read more about this from the article with the daily record at -
About Us
Police Scotland Angels was born in July 2021 when four women from different areas of Scotland came together and shared their experiences of how they had been failed by police and various authorities when trying to be a voice in the pandemic it is with gratitude to Police Scotland for introducing people from different areas of Scotland together who share the same ethos, experience, and observations of what change is needed. We want police constables to adhere to their oath and follow their own regulations and Code of Ethics for policing in Scotland.
Police (Scotland) Angels, gelled by Sandra Gallagher, is made up of your 'average' men and women living in Scotland – We provide assistance and guidance on various branches of police complaints, police wrongdoing, NHS failings, local council complaints, social work disputes, Education concerns, Sheriff officers roles The list is not exhaustive. We offer voluntary assistance in complex systems.
We are concerned that Scotland on the back of the pandemic has lost face-to-face interactions and is moving towards a place of isolation any help or support is to be offered in the way of online We can assist in person with form filling, and complaints procedure, mediation, subject access request, FOI, legal observers, appropriate adult. Offer assistance and guidance in your legal rights and guide you to appropriate agencies or legal advice that may be best suited to your needs.
Sandra has a background in child development and studied Law. She has an HNC in Legal Services and a Diploma in Law from Napier University. She was involved with the family court system for 9 years representing herself at sheriff court and court of session.
Sandra is committed to human rights and civil liberties. Sandra is involved in lived experience in community trauma and supports community individuals and groups.
Sandra came from a traumatic childhood and was caught up in social work care systems and the criminal justice system, as a teenager has a background in child development. Sandra has written her own biography about her life with brave honest and shocking accounts of the hardship and pain in life and how she overcame this in the face of adversity, Sandra gives service back to the community of lived experience to individual and community groups who have suffered trauma and chaotic lifestyle.

Mark Hamilton Remembrance Event
We would like to thank everyone who took the time to pay respects to Mark Hamilton who died on the 18/09/2020 in Kirkcaldy Police Station, Fife. I would like to note that Kirkcaldy Police Station was locked and not one PC or Member of staff came out to pay respects and instead locked the police station during a peaceful remembrance event. No public explanation has been given the only statement or any further investigation by PIRC.
Rest In Peace Mark we at Police Scotland Angels have not forgotten about you and will continue to raise awareness surrounding the suspicious death.

Members of Police Scotland Angels enjoying their 2024 annual meal

Effective April Fool's Day, April 1, 2024. The New Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act
Disclaimer trigger warning, potentially offensive content in videos or publications is not to be viewed in Scotland after the 31st of March 2024, and we take no responsibility for any offense or hurt caused to you or any offense or hurt you perceive this might cause you or others to watch video content or read publications on this site after this date on the basis that you have been warned that it might offend now.
Police Scotland Angels welcomes people's stories and experiences with the police and authorities of Scotland, both positive and negative. We encourage individuals to share their experiences, fostering open dialogue and promoting transparency in policing practices.
In addition, we recognize the importance of safeguarding the anonymity of whistleblowers who come forward with information in the public interest. We assure whistleblowers that their identities will be protected and that their disclosures will be handled with utmost discretion.
Please note the following:
No publication will be supported or disclosed that may prejudice ongoing legal proceedings. This means that we will not share information that could potentially compromise the outcome of an ongoing court case.
Any actions undertaken will be with the parties' full consent. We will not disclose information without the explicit permission of the individuals involved.
Disclosure of information will only take place if it is in the public's interest. We will carefully consider the potential impact of any disclosure and will only share information if we believe it is in the best interests of the public.
We encourage open communication and transparency, but we also recognize the importance of protecting the integrity of legal proceedings and the privacy of individuals. We will handle all disclosures with sensitivity and discretion.